Jeffrey Quote


Spray Tan!!!


I walked in and instantly took the bait of spray tan and head shot special! I’m on my way to my head shots, but I hope he has a filter to tone down this tan. Let’s just say it wasn’t the one I wanted, but it was the one I could afford! Damn you Oscar nominations and expensive theaters! You just wait until I become famous and so I can save money and get those screeners in the mail. You just wait! Then I can spend my hard earned money on a better matching, more, how do I say it… realistic tan! I will, as God as my witness, never go this color again! All I can say is thank goodness I will be having a professional do my head-shots! What could possibly go wrong there? Professional lighting, cameras, etc. I just need to calm down and not sweat and make my tan color run onto my clothes. Boy Band fabulousness is hard!!!


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