hypanis.ru KICK-OFF WEEK!

Jeffrey Quote



Blog Kick Off Week

What was I thinking? I blew all my money going to the movies and not saving any for my big premier party to kick off JEFFREY THE SERIES! Oh cheese and crackers! Now what?! Even lesser talented people have big launch parties!? I’m sure somewhere some low-rent actor is walking down a red carpet with paparazzi’s all clamoring to get the best picture! I don’t even have a red throw rug (sigh)! Something needs to change?!

After all, who would I invite to my fabulous ‘coming out’ so to speak? All the C and D-Listers? Well, that’s not me! I’m going to be the next big thing since the comeback of the Hostess Twinkies! You wait. I will be rubbing elbows with George Clooney and Ellen DeGeneres in no time at all.

But, even though I won’t get my big launch party, I know that my monies are being spent wisely on … ME! Even if it means I end up on some off-ramp with a double decker shopping cart singing show-tunes for tips!

At least The Advocate Magazine’s online site advocate.com is premiering my web-series today. And then for the rest of the world on our site Jeffreytheseries.com on January 28th.

Let’s get my star on Hollywood Boulevard all polished and prepped. Everything’s coming up JEFFREY!!


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